
Das Teil wiegt so schon mehr als mein aktuelles Rad komplett 😉

gt tour2 frame
gt f/s fork
gt cromo bar
gt piston 2 stem
gt seatpost
gt seat
gt pegs

3 Responses to “Oldschool”

  1. Stephan says on :

    Ach ja, die alten GT Räder. Sehr schön…

    Ich hatte damals ein GT Pro Performer noch aus der Serie mit geraden Rohren und Plattform. Natürlich in Chrom. ^^

  2. wokii says on :

    Do you still have this? It is a 99 GT Tour Frame, not a Tour2.

  3. North says on :

    Oh, it was a different frame when i compared it with the frame from the complete bike, so i thought it was “2”.
    I still have that frame kit and i will keep it. I was on that frames for a long time, ripped 3 or 4 frames over the time.

    i still have this frames in bad condition (dents and scratches)